Stretch Marks
Stretch marks (Striae) occur as a result of mechanical stretching of the skin over a relatively short span of time. The most common causes include pregnancy, growth spurts during puberty, and weight gain. Rarer causes include hormone disorders and excessive intake of oral steroids. The likelihood of stretch marks forming is also dependent on genetic factors.
Stretch marks appear purplish red in its early stages (Straie Rubrae), then fade off to become silverish white (Striae Albae) with time. Retinoid creams are helpful for red stretch marks, as they aid in collagen repair while the skin in still in the process of healing. They however do not work on white stretch marks, which should instead be treated as ‘old scars’. As such, the PicoPlus are useful in breaking down scarred tissue while stimulating the formation of new collagen and elastin. Sylfirm treatments can be performed concurrently to enhance dermal rejuvenation and tighten up ‘stretched’ skin.
Managing your expectations is key as complete removal of old stretch marks is not possible. Treatment duration and final outcome could also be more protracted, as skin on the body produces collagen at a slower rate, and is more prone to hyperpigmentation (PIH) from treatments as compared to the face.